Saturday, July 5, 2008

Why did they name Boston after that band?

Boston's show turned out to be everything we were hoping for and more. Great Scott's is a great bar. Good size room, nice stage and sound and most importantly PBR tall boys. We played with two great locals, Pray For Polanski and You Can Be A Wesley. Both bands put on great sets and are the nicest folks Boston has to offer. Thanks to both of them for helping have a great show for 0ur first time in Boston.

The best part of the day was running into some old friends from Dayton living in Boston now. It was one welcomed surprise after another. Thanks to Jessica and Lyndsay (aka Wildkat & Wolf) for the great tour of the city, Casey for hanging out all nite with us and Brandon (aka Diet Kid, Kid Lite,Kid Jr.) for putting us up in his amazing house in Jamaican Plains.

We're in Brooklyn now staying with Captain Of Industry guru, Noel Benford. He's got a swank new apartment with marble floors, which are surprisingly comfortable. We had a nice drizzle filled 4th of July watching fireworks on the rooftop and bar hopping in Williamsburg. Ended up at a metal bar called Duff's where Slayer was played at full volume, an unironic cut-out of Dimebag Darrel adorned the wall and the waitstaff blew fire balls in the middle of the room. I'll just leave it at that. The nite ended fittingly enough with boxes of greasy fried chicken.

Tonite we're playing in Manhatten at Piano's and then a show tommorrow nite at Brooklyn's Trash Bar.


Anonymous said...

plz come back and bring metal with you!

donetrawk said...

best wishes for continued success on your short tour
